10 UI/UX Design Trends of 2022

ui/ux design trend

Okay, collegues! If you wonder what is really fashionable in design this year, here we are with what our friend Google told us, and what the world thinks about this quetion.

It’s been almost six months since 2022 came on duty and sure enough it came not alone. New year brings new trends into every field, and today we’d like to discuss what we’ve got in this tiger’s bag for UX/UI design.

Nowadays web-design is rushing as fast as possible to chase technological progress. Designers use more and more tools, and make the user experience look like we’re already in a better future, where everything you can imagine can be true. In addition, the picture is supposed to be creative enough and show company’s exclusivity. 

So here are a list of some 2022 trends of user experience and user interface design, which might work the best this year.

Table of content :

  1. Mobile first approach
  2. Neumorphism
  3. Icons
  4. Air gesture control
  5. Voice user interface
  6. Claymorphism
  7. Interaction
  8. Device synchronization
  9. Cry typography
  10. Democratization of art and NFT

1.Mobile-first approach

Check your pocket. What you’ve got there? Your phone, we bet. Ask your friend to Google some information. Will he or she take his laptop to do this? No, of course not. Smartphones are much faster to reach, and actually they’re also faster while working. So when you create a design for a platform or a website, you have to think not only about the desktop version, but also what it will look like on a phone’s screen, and how comfortable it will be to work with through this gadget. Put this experience first, cause that’s a trend.

2. Neumorphism

This style has the ideas of skeuomorphism connected to a 3D looking interface. So, basically we use background colors, shapes, gradients, highlights, and shadows to make buttons and switches look more realistic, and then more familiar to a user. It’s like you use an old phone or calculator or any other machine, it looks like this, and even sort of feels like this, but you still have the possibilities of a new generation device.

3. Icons

While messages and posts in Instagram contain more and more emojis, and people like it, UX/UI design, in turn, contains more and more icons, and guess what? People also like it! It makes them understand the interface or the information much better, and to remember it faster. 

4. Air gesture control

Waving to the screen of your phone to take a photo is something we deserve. So, air gesture control is a possibility to use your hands to command your device without touching it. Who knows, maybe soon we’ll be able to wink to our smartphone to delete all of the dirty messages we’ve got last night.

5. Voice user interface

Siri and Google assistant are our besties, the ones who always listen and who are ready to answer any questions, and that’s the responsiveness users expect from the apps they download. It makes a lot of routines easier, especially in our times of rush, so voice UI is something just must have in 2022.

6. Claymorphism

Have you noticed these three-dimensional guys looking like they’re made of play-doh all around us? Look fantastic, don’t they? People are tired of 2D pics and flat texts, they want something that feels alive, like you can touch it. That’s why we have this new trend of the 3D clay world.

7. Interaction

We mean different small interactions with design elements users can enjoy, like an alien standing at the corner of a page and dancing when you click on it, or like this Google special designs for every holiday in the world, which you can interact with. It makes user experience just unforgettable.

8. Device synchronization

It’s crucial nowadays to have access to the same information or service via every possible gadget. The more devices you can cover with your design, the better for your success.

9. Crazy typography

One font, every paragraph is gently separated and carefully placed next to the picture, the webpage looks more like a book page…out-of-date. Now you can find text everywhere, even under your seat, check it there. Really, letters are literally all around the page, on the pictures, under them, CAPITAL, bold, s e p a r a t e d…no-one cares. Today it’s not just some information, it’s a part of art.

10. Democratization of art and NFT

Okay, and as the last one we’d like to mention the trend, which designers will definitely like. Cryptos are a part of both virtual and real life now, and it’s the currency people use online. So, as we got money to spend we are supposed to have what to spend them on. And this is the part when we say — sell your Dribble. Just kidding, but you can, if you want. 

Every piece you create online is art and it can be sold. That’s kind of good news for those who always wanted to get money from their hobby and the art they do. So whether you designed a full interface for an application, or just an icon for a button — you can sell it.

Those were 10 design trends of 2022. We hope you could get something useful for you, and now you are a real UX/UI fashionista.

source : medium.com

Fikalmyid Seorang Desain Grafis dan Blogging Junior

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